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Beautifully illustrated, true stories

from a dog named


Everybody Loves Grace Books

Everybody Loves Grace—Book 1: Grace Brings Love to Everyone She Meets

Everybody Loves Grace—Book 2: Grace’s Adventure to the Grand Canyon

Everybody Loves Grace—Book 3: Grace’s Adventure to Texas

Everybody Loves Grace—Book 4: Grace’s Adventure to Utah

Everybody Loves Grace—Book 5: Grace’s Adventure to Pennsylvania

Everybody Loves Grace—Book 6: Grace’s Adventure to Washington, D.C.

Also Available Through These Retailers:

Hi! My name is Grace.

Welcome to my site.

I am glad you are here because I love having visitors, whether it is in real life or on the Internet.

I am over 10 years old and live with Mommy in Colorado. That is a state in the western part of the United States. It has lots of mountains with days of sunshine and days of snow. One of my favorite things is going to our friend’s house in the mountains.

The way I see it, life is an adventure.

I have had a lot of adventures in my life. You can read about some of them in Everybody Loves Grace, books 1, 2, and 3!

Loving people is another one of my favorite things.

Everyone needs love. I look into the eyes of every person I meet so they can feel the love I have for them. They like to pet me, and I like it too. And sometimes, I give them my paw to say hi.

Even when I am not sure what will happen next, I find the fun and the good in everything I do and in everyone I meet. It certainly makes life more interesting!

I hope you like my site.

Please join me on my very first adventure.
Sign up to get the first chapter of my first book for FREE!

Lovingly yours,

A special dog. A heartwarming story.

What’s New with Katy and Grace?

How Does Storytelling Benefit Seniors?

Picture yourself petting a friendly black and tan dog while gazing down into the Grand Canyon. Imagine that same brave dog alerting you to a bear on your driveway in the Colorado mountains, or exploring the Alamo with you during a trip to Texas. Adventures come alive in your mind when you read or participate in storytelling, no matter where you are.

Storytelling is the art of using words to transport you to a different place without ever having to leave the room. It transcends physical limitations and age groups. And when storytelling is done through the eyes of a kind, loving dog, it inspires listeners to lead a happier, fuller life.

This is why seniors love Living With Grace, a program that uses storytelling to share the true adventures of Grace the Dog. The stories take listeners to colorful places where she meets interesting people. 

The Importance of Storytelling

Sharing a story is one of the very best ways to engage seniors. Research shows that the act of telling stories is a central element for establishing human connections.(1)

Other reasons why sharing a story is important include:

  • Recording history. When true stories, like those of Grace the Dog, are written down or shared through storytelling, the wonderful memories are preserved and not forgotten.
  • Raising awareness. Stories are powerful, and when you use them to illustrate how kindness should be shown to all people, as Grace does, you use them to change your world for the better.
  • Regaining Control. Many seniors feel like their autonomy is reduced as they age, but listening to and sharing stories helps them realize they have a degree of control over how they perceive their surroundings.

Sharing stories is important because it reaches across cultures and ages, and not only defines people but unifies them, too. 

How Does Storytelling Bring People Together? 

When someone asks if they can share a story with you, your curiosity probably gets the best of you and you lend them your ear for a bit. Curiosity is just one way that storytelling brings people together.

Other ways storytelling brings people together include:

  • Sparking conversations about their past, their families, or their careers. Sometimes the best part of a storytelling program is the conversations that happen after the story ends!
  • Illustrates commonality– did you have a dog like Grace, too? Tell me about her! Or maybe you had other pets that you’d like to share stories about. Caring for animals is something many people have in common.
  • Increases empathy by connecting with characters in a story.(2) This is beneficial for your mental health and creates a bond between you and all the people participating in the storytelling.

A good story draws you in, just like a smiling dog wagging her tail draws you to her for a belly rub. And when the adventures in the story unfold, you and everyone with you in the room are transported to Utah, Pennsylvania, or Washington D.C. 

Living with Grace provides the perfect setting for inspiring seniors to share their stories. It starts with Grace’s adventures, and by following the program guide, you can prompt participants to engage and finish the activity with lively conversations.

If you would like to enhance your activity program with a proven method of engagement your seniors will love, order Living with Grace today!



Grace the Amazing Storyteller

Storytelling provides one of the most powerful tools to keep seniors engaged and alert, multiple studies have shown. 

And everyone loves a good adventure story, right?

Grace the Dog shares her adventures from all over our country in the award-winning book series Everybody Loves Grace. Now, it is available as a comprehensive senior activity program Living With Grace.

If you’d like the chance to see what an adventure with Grace is all about, you’re in luck!

On June 8th, I’ll be giving away 5 copies of book 1 of Everybody Loves Grace with the facilitator guide for Living with Grace for FREE!

All you have to do is fill out this form to qualify for the drawing. I hope you’ll join me as I announce the winner LIVE!

Living With Grace includes 3 copies of all 6 books, Grace the Dog Plush, audio books, a training video, and facilitator guides. 

“The guidebook’s thoughtful prompts allow readers to stay fully present and, in the moment, eliminating the need to worry about what to discuss or how to spark conversation. It provides a structured framework for discussions, ensuring that every interaction is purposeful and enriching.” -CarePartners Dementia Day Center in Houston

To learn more about Living With Grace, please visit my website at today!

All Pets are Special

Your pets are special members of your family, don’t you think?

They help you to stay active and live a fuller, happier life.

One very special animal who helps seniors stay active and engaged is Grace the Dog, a Finnish Lapphund.

Through the activity program Living With Grace, seniors experience many exciting adventures with Grace, like going to the Alamo, the Grand Canyon, and Washington D.C!

Living With Grace is a comprehensive activity program that includes everything you need for an engaging, inspiring event for your seniors. It comes with 3 sets of the award-winning 6 book series Everybody Loves Grace, Grace the Dog Plush, facilitator guides, training video, and audio recordings.

“(Living With Grace) Provided for lots of reflection from the participants that facilitated discussion and sharing. Memory recall was great – this was a big plus and stimulated participation – it was like you could see their brains working. We were amazed at the level of engagement.” Jenny Duval, VP of Care Coordination at Family Service Association

If you would like a chance to join Grace on her first adventure for FREE, you are in luck! 

In 10 days, I’ll be giving away 5 copies of book 1!

All you have to do is fill out this entry form to qualify for the drawing that I’ll be doing LIVE on June 13th. 

If you want to find out more about Grace and how her adventures can bring fun and excitement to your senior’s life, check out today!

How Does Storytelling Benefit Seniors?

Picture yourself petting a friendly black and tan dog while gazing down into the Grand Canyon. Imagine that same brave dog alerting you to a bear on your driveway in the Colorado mountains, or exploring the Alamo with you during a trip to Texas. Adventures come alive...

Grace the Amazing Storyteller

Storytelling provides one of the most powerful tools to keep seniors engaged and alert, multiple studies have shown.  And everyone loves a good adventure story, right? Grace the Dog shares her adventures from all over our country in the award-winning book series...

Follow Grace on Instagram!


Do you know a great way to build friendships in your community?
Share stories! 
Research shows that when you participate in storytelling, you bond with the other people in your group by connecting with them and the characters in the stories. 

This builds empathy, which helps you be a better friend.

Living with Grace uses storytelling to share the adventures of Grace the Dog, who is a true friend to everyone she meets. 

Communities thrive when their residents enjoy strong friendships, and Living with Grace is designed to help seniors live a happier, fuller life through an award-winning book series.

If you’d like to see how powerful storytelling can be, then I’d like to share a story about one of Grace’s adventures with you for FREE!

Please visit my website at today for a download of the first chapter of Book 6!
Grace has a new friend who lives in The Bronx, NY. The Everybody Loves Grace books are still having an impact. We love our new friend. ❤️ #EveryBodyLovesGrace #kindnessmatters #kidlit #dog #adventure
I’m passionate about the Living With Grace seniors program. Helping seniors connect, create community and thrive - one story at a time. #EverybodyLovesGrace #LivingWithGrace #community #Seniors #Thrive #Dogs
Denver friends…what’s a little snow? I’ll be signing books until 3:00pm at Barnes & Noble - Denver 8136 W. Bowles Ave, Littleton, CO
My heart be still…making a difference with the children served by the Gus Bus in Virginia. Love, Grace ❤️
#EveryBodyLovesGrace #kidlit #simpleactsofkindness
I’m excited to share that my new book, “Humble Yet Fierce: My Life Behind the Curtain of the CIA,” is officially published. When I headed off to college in 1979, I couldn’t have imagined that one day I would be writing books and delivering speeches about leadership.

Yet it’s here, a book with some of my life stories and lessons learned about work and leadership during my thirty-two year career in the CIA.

#HumbleYetFierce #modernauthor #writing #manuscripts #bookcreators
Story time is the best. Love, Grace ❤️#EveryBodyLovesGrace #kindnessmatters #kidlit #poweroflove
Mommy went to the Kennedy Center and I got to stay home with Grandma Joan! Love, Grace ❤️ #EveryBodyLovesGrace #family #ittakesavillage #wicked
Guess who came to visit me?  My great friend might remember Everybody Loves Nathan as much as Everybody Loves Grace. ❤️ #book5 #bestfriends #pennsylvania #kindnessmatters
I mean seriously..isn’t my new haircut just the best?  Love, Grace ❤️ #EveryBodyLovesGrace #kindnessmatters #kidlit #ittakesavillage
Sunday’s are the best when my friends come to visit. Love, Grace ❤️#EveryBodyLovesGrace #friends #tuckahoe #livingwithgrace #grace
Excited to let you know book 6 received the NYC Big Book Award in the Children’s Motivational Category.  Love, Grace ❤️ #EveryBodyLovesGrace #LivingWithGrace #motivational #kidlit #agingwithgrace