Let There Be Magic in 2024

by | Dec 19, 2023

It seems hard to believe I was saying goodbye to Grace at this time last year. She was such a big part of my life and I miss her every day. That said, I’ve come to realize the beauty of Grace living on through her books.

At least once a week I get a picture from a parent who wants to share about the special connection their child has with Grace. A connection they make through her stories.

I wish I could share with you all the emails, phone calls and text messages I receive. They come from people who are truly her fans. The sweet photo below came to me this week from a family in Maryland.

Recently, I was driving to meet a 5-year-old, Amelia, because she wanted to meet Grace’s mommy. I reminded myself on the way to meet her that “this is a joyous occasion.” I am so lucky to connect with young readers who absolutely adore Grace.

This is a long way of saying, there’s beauty and joy even in difficult times, we must look for it. The beauty I see is connecting with each of you and knowing Grace lives on through the Everybody Loves Grace books.

My hope for all of you is to find the magic in simple things in life and the holiday season.

Merry Christmas, Katy


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