Wyoming Here We Come!

Grace loves to go on road trips and we haven’t been on one in a few months.  I decided it was time to “hit the road” before summer was over.  So we packed the blue cooler, Grace’s blanket, our orange suitcase and headed to Wyoming.  It is beautiful here and Grace is...

Good Neighbors

When Mommy goes away, she asks these very cool neighbors, Kyle and Ali, to take care of me.  Sometimes I stay with other fun neighbors who I’ll tell you about another time. I used to stay at Aunt Carol’s house, but lately that’s changed. It makes it a lot easier on my...

Making Plans

I overheard Mommy making plans to go on a trip.  She doesn’t technically have a job where she goes to an office everyday, but she stays very active with all kinds of projects.  She said something about going to a Board meeting to a place near a lake in Michigan.  I...

Morning Walk

We headed for our morning walk and the streets were strangely quiet after all the music playing yesterday.  I saw this one man who looked sad and tired.  I’m pretty sure he’d just woken up from sleeping.  He asked if he could pet me and of course, Mommy said, “yes” as...

Music Festival

This weekend there were lots and lots of people in my neighborhood.  I think there was something special going on because bands were playing loud music.  All day and all night, I could hear it, even from my balcony.  One night, the music kept playing until midnight! ...