Dog Days of Summer

I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for the summer heat wave to be over. It’s been one hot summer and I spend a lot of time inside by an air conditioning vent. We are in the “Dog Days” of summer which are usually the hottest and most...

Schools Out for Summer

I’ve made some special friends this year at the Joan Farley Academy in Denver, Colorado. Mommy and I met regularly with their students on Monday mornings. The kids are so easy to be with and I love when they read my first book out loud. Some of the kids are...

Helping Children Learn to Read

That’s something I love to do, and it’s proven that dogs help kids learn to read. My mommy says, “children need to practice a lot when first learning to read.” And for kids, it can be embarrassing to mess up, but when they are practicing with a...

Life Lessons from 2021

Hello My Friends, It’s that time of year when I share important things I learned throughout the year. This was another year filled with new life lessons for me: Follow Your Heart – Go where your heart leads you, it never fails and will take you where...

My Favorite Illustrator

Remember I mentioned teamwork in my last blog? A very important person on my team is Susan Lavalley. She creates the beautiful illustrations for the Everybody Loves Grace books to include the covers and inside of each book. When Mommy writes my stories, I let her know...