What are the Benefits of Storytelling?

by | Jul 30, 2024

The boy who cried wolf and the tortoise and the hare have one thing in common – they teach a lesson. But stories don’t have to be fiction to teach you about life. 

Grace the Dog shares true stories about adventures all over our county in the senior program Living with Grace. Each chapter in the award-winning six-book series offers many sweet, inspiring lessons. 

The benefits of storytelling for seniors reach far beyond teaching a lesson, though. Here are other valuable results of storytelling that make it a highly effective method of engagement:

  • Demonstrates navigating change easier because every good story has some type of conflict resolution, so you can see different ways to solve problems and successfully deal with change.
  • Inspires memories and reminds you of wonderful experiences, which fosters happiness.
  • Encourages creativity as you enjoy the illustrations in your book and the details of the adventures.
  • Provides stimulation for your mind when you hear your narrator’s voice and concentrate on the stories being shared, which is very good for your brain health.
  • Reduces stress because it takes you away from the troubles of the here and now, and offers a fun, exciting story to jump into.
  • Explains ideas in meaningful ways that people can relate to and therefore feel connected through.(1)

The benefits you get from listening to or sharing a story can be very personal. If you are hearing a story for the first time that touches you, or sharing one that has deep meaning for you, the experience of storytelling can benefit you in an almost therapeutic way.

Why Living With Grace is a Perfect Fit for Your Life Enrichment or Activity Program

All of the benefits of storytelling are found in the Living with Grace program. It is a perfect fit for any activity calendar because it:

  • Includes 3 sets of 6 books full of true adventures!
  • Is evergreen – it can be scheduled for any time of day, during any season.
  • Needs no preparation time. Once you have watched the training video, all you need are the books.
  • Comes with a program facilitator guide to show how to get the most out of the program.
  • Provides sensory stimulation with soft Grace the Dog plush.

Living with Grace compliments any existing activity program because it can be enjoyed by residents in any level of care. All you need to do is grab the books, Grace the Dog plush, and get ready for an adventure!

To learn more about Living with Grace or to place your order, please visit www.EverybodyLovesGrace.com today!


  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6209845/


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