The Car is Tuned Up

by | Nov 9, 2018

It’s been a lot of fun lately getting ready for our road trip.  Mommy takes me in the car when she gets errands done like going to the post office, the dry cleaners or bringing books to a store so they can be sold. There seem to be lots of errands these days.

I just know our trip is going to be happening soon.  Yesterday we took the car into the shop and I heard Mommy ask the service man to change the oil and asked him to make sure everything is in “tip top” shape for our road trip.  I think I heard her say we will be driving for three days to get to Koziar’s Christmas Village!

It’s always special when Mommy and I travel in the car, it means I will meet nice people, listen to good music and see new places.  I can’t wait.


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