Summer Continues in Denver

by | Sep 23, 2020

Summer is supposed to be over by now and somehow it still feels like summer in Denver. The sun is shining bright and the days are very warm. I try to stay in the shade of the trees during my afternoon walks with Mommy.

I went for a hike with Mommy and friends in the mountains on Sunday. Some of our friends didn’t realize my fourth book was published in June 2020. So, I thought I’d remind you that Everybody Loves Grace: A True Story of Grace’s Adventure to Utah is available for purchase on my website at

The Utah adventure includes uplifting new insights for readers of all ages:

* Going places with “just the girls” is empowering.
* People and places change over time so, even when we visit a place we’ve been before, it’s always a new adventure.
* Have courage to do the things you want do.

Lovingly, Grace

This photo was taken after my hike on Sunday!


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