Getting Ready for My Next Road Trip

by | Oct 5, 2020

I’m going on a road trip in a couple of weeks. Do you want to know why? Well, Mommy and I are heading to Koziar’s Christmas Village in Bernville, Pennsylvania. We will be signing Book 5 in the Everybody Loves Grace series on November 21st. Everybody Loves Grace: A True Story of Grace’s Adventure to Pennsylvania is a very fun Christmas-time story.

I’ll be sharing more details as we prepare for our trip, but I wanted you to know the book is available for pre-sale on my website. Mommy and I will start mailing the books out on 15 October 2020.

I hope you will join me on my latest adventure to Pennsylvania. I will be sharing more life lessons to include why I think it’s important to do the things on your bucket list.

Lovingly, Grace


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