I don’t often take the time to mention how amazing Grace is on our road trips. Well, she is truly, very special.
We just got home from our most recent road trip adventure to Washington, DC that began from our home in Denver on November 9, 2020. We didn’t plan to be gone for four months but there were many twists and turns to our schedule and through it all, Grace was simply amazing. I think she earned the title of Road Warrior.
No matter how long we drove in the car, or how many homes and hotels we stayed in, Grace was always ready to smile and let people know they are loved. We set all kinds of personal records on this trip: 3800 miles, four months of travel and stayed in 10 different locations.
I know I am happy to be home and I think Grace is too. We are so grateful for all the friends and family we got to see on our trip. Also, we never take it for granted that the journey is a safe one. We are grateful to be home safely.
We look forward to sharing the life lessons in our next book, Everybody Loves Grace: A True Story of Grace’s Adventure to Washington, DC.
Take Care, Katy