A Day in Golden, CO

by | Sep 8, 2018

Mommy wanted to go for a hike today so we headed to Mount Galbraith in Golden. It has trails and is one of our favorite places to hike.  We come here often; however, at this time of year, the path is really overgrown and narrow.  We hiked about 30 minutes and I decided to turn around – just like that – I made a quick U-turn.

Mommy knew exactly what I wanted to do.  I preferred going into town and walking by the creek.  This way I could go swimming and walk through the Farmer’s Market.  I had SO much fun at the creek.  There were lots of kids putting tubes in the water and floating down the creek.  I waited for them to pass by and would quickly step into the water – it was so refreshing!  I’ll tell you more about the Farmer’s Market next time.


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