Grace’s Legacy Lives On

by | Apr 21, 2023

Dear Friends and Grace Followers,

I have struggled with how to share the news of Grace’s passing. This is a post I never wanted to write but knew that it was inevitable. Death is a part of the cycle of life.

Grace lived with such a strong spirit until the bitter end, and then she let me know it was time. She was as dignified in death as she was in life.

I am grateful she shared her life with me and with all of you through her stories. She brought joy, adventure and love to everyone she met for 16 years.

I plan to write book seven of the Everybody Loves Grace series. In her parting message, Grace asked me to share her story that we are never too old for a new adventure. She also wanted to remind us to love and live every day to the fullest.

Much Love, Katy


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